After Leti officially became the producer for Ryuseitai, she and Chiaki became closer friends, sharing a love for tokusatsu and getting along kinda well, which was a positive aspect when managing Ryuseitai. They often gathered to watch some hero shows together, initially for work purposes, of course. However, at some point, this became a regular situation and a symbol of their friendship.

A year and a few months had passed (its really hard to align irl time with enstars time lmaoo), and their ‘’crushes’’(?) grew stronger. Although they were close like a couple, with many flirty interactions and the typical situation where everyone knows that these two people like each other, no one had confessed yet. It happened one day when Chiaki was returning from work with her...and boom…

and from there, it's basically the current situation... a cute, happy couple. ♡

During this time, there were situations such as them being seen in public very closely, since they are two idiots. Obviously, the media doesn't forgive anyone, and Chiaki got canceled for having a girlfriend lmao... and the following text is Chiaki's response/public statement to such situation (taken from a roleplay) and how he made his relationship public.

『Chiaki takes a deep breath and begins to type a heartfelt message:"Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood Ryusei Red, Chiaki Morisawa, here! I've got something important to share, and I hope you'll all understand and support me. You see, I've found something even more amazing than all the superheroes and monsters I've ever fought on stage. I've found love, and it's with someone very special.I want you all to meet the incredible person who's captured my heart, my producer and the love of my life, Leti. We've been keeping our relationship private, but now it's time to let our love shine. I'm grateful for all the support you've given me, and I hope you can continue to support us as we navigate this new chapter together.Love and justice always prevail, and now, our love will too! Let's make this world a brighter place together. ❤️ #RyuseiLove"Chiaki shows you the text and smiles warmly."What do you think, Leti?"』

(Fortunately, the relationship was well accepted, uh, by most fans!!!!!)

and that's it yayyy living happily up to the present moment!! ♡♡♡♡♡


"I decided to make an entire topic about this, and although I'm not sure how to exactly explain the relevance of considering my persona Ryusei Pink while Chiaki is the Ryusei Red, I find it super cute, especially how Chiaki and Leti embody the colors red and pink completely, representing both how well they complement their respective positions in the unit and what it signifies as a tokusatsu reference, where there are numerous couples of red and pink sentais. sobsob. They are made for each other!!!!!!!


But in terms of lore, Leti is obviously just the producer of Ryuseitai, helping them out sometimes in projects that need an extra or something like that. But still, I like to think that this is ''considered'' canon by Chiaki, that Leti is the Ryusei Pink of Ryuseitai and how she fits perfectly into the 'role' even though she's just a producer.This intensifies even more after they start dating fsdjfhdjh and its something that is already somewhat accepted by everyone around, including Anzu, who gifts her at times with an extra Ryuseitai outfit in pink.


template: @reversiblekiss

i remade this part a bit messily but whatever.....its interesting informations sjhfgsfd

Since it's a self insert, it's kind of difficult to define my own personality in a character, however, I think that chialeti can be both really opposites like idk super extroverted chiaki and introverted and shy leti sun and moon etc etc and at the same time when gaining more intimacy it becomes something totally carefree, just 2 very close friends making jokes and laughing all the time yk uhh im rlly bad with words.When I started being yume with him, which means at the beginning of the lore djshfgshghff I kind of portrayed everything still as just a friendship and my persona as someone kind of tsundere, who occasionally called Chiaki stupid or annoying and tried to seem cool and carefree (even though she wasn't) but now that I draw Chialeti as a couple dating, prob there's still traces of that personality but right after they got together, that was the vibe they gave off:


As you can see, I'm not good at writing, so I really like this image that shows a bit of what Chialeti looks like based on other ships with similar dynamics.

+ more chialeti core manga panels

Thankyu for reading! <3 ill prob gonna add more things in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

idk taking advantage of the fact that this carrd is basically a giant lovemail, I decided to create a wall of cute photos that I like to take with my chikis irl... 🥺Again, thank you for reading jshfhdf. Is it very difficult for me to be a self-shipper and speak openly like this about myself in third person and about my yume without feel bad...but at the same time, it was a lot of fun to do all this, so thank you to everyone who always supports and is kind to me... <3