- As an exchange student, Leti went to study in Japan with her friend after watching Madara's stage in Rio de Janeiro, ending up at Yumenosaki and initially becoming a producer of Ra*bits.
Her best friend joined Ryuseitai as an idol and introduced Chiaki to her, along with the offer of becoming a producer for Ryuseitai. Being close to her friend was something she couldn't refuse.

(Midori and Tetora also played a role in her getting to know Chiaki, as they were her classmates and uuuhhhhhh ''''''friends''''''.......)

After Leti became Ryuseitai's producer, she and Chiaki naturally grew closer, often watching tokusatsu together. What began as a way to better manage Ryuseitai soon turned into a shared hobby, an excuse to spend more time together and a symbol of their growing friendship. Leti genuinely started to enjoy tokusatsu, finding Chiaki’s enthusiasm about it absolutely adorable. For Chiaki, having someone to share his enthusiasm with and a fellow tokusatsu fan also made him really happy.

After spending a lot of time together and sharing many moments even in the same club, their friendship naturally grew into something deeper. Neither of them was fully aware of it (they knew, but just didn't admit it to themselves) even though they were already living like a couple. They were the kind of friends who did couple-like things and everyone knew they had feelings for each other, except for them. Chiaki was the one who suddenly confessed his feelings, in the most unexpected way possible, on a regular day as they were heading back to their dorms together after a day of work.

and from there, it's basically the current situation... a cute, happy couple. ♡


During this time, there were situations such as them being seen in public very closely, since they are two idiots. It was possible to hide the situation under the excuse that she was just his producer, but the media doesn’t forgive anyone, and eventually the rumors grew stronger. That's how Chiaki got exposed for having a girlfriend...and here’s a part of an rp that shows Chiaki’s response… yay!!!

『Chiaki takes a deep breath and begins to type a heartfelt message:"Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood Ryusei Red, Chiaki Morisawa, here! I've got something important to share, and I hope you'll all understand and support me. You see, I've found something even more amazing than all the superheroes and monsters I've ever fought on stage. I've found love, and it's with someone very special.I want you all to meet the incredible person who's captured my heart, my producer and the love of my life, Leti. We've been keeping our relationship private, but now it's time to let our love shine. I'm grateful for all the support you've given me, and I hope you can continue to support us as we navigate this new chapter together.Love and justice always prevail, and now, our love will too! Let's make this world a brighter place together. ❤️ #RyuseiLove"Chiaki shows you the text and smiles warmly."What do you think, Leti?"』

(Fortunately, the relationship was well accepted, uh, by most fans!!!!!)

and that's it yayyy living happily up to the present moment!! WHEN THEY GOT MARRIED ♡♡♡♡♡

lore is quite brief and rushed because this is a self-insert, and my mind works 99% in images and 1% in text, so it's hard for me to elaborate much of a story... but that’s how it is ><

template: @reversiblekiss


edits made by @pussydoshinonon